Australian High Commission
Kingdom of Tonga

Tonga Study Awards 2014



The 2015 Tonga Study Awards Programme (TSA) is jointly sponsored by the Governments of Tonga, New Zealand and Australia. Under the TSA Programme, scholarships are available for study either in the region or New Zealand, depending on where a particular course is offered.

Successful applicants awarded a TSA scholarship must return to Tonga upon completion of their study programmes and apply their enhanced knowledge and skills towards the development of Tonga. Undergraduate and postgraduate study is included. To see this year’s priority fields of study, click here.

There are a limited number of scholarships available. Selection will be based on merit taking into account the relevance of proposed study to Tonga’s development needs, academic achievement, work experience, and in accordance with eligibility criteria agreed between the Governments of Tonga, Australia and New Zealand. Please ensure you meet the criteria before applying. Current Form 6 students are not eligible. Current Form 7 and recent school leavers with strong leadership abilities are encouraged to apply.

Application forms can also be downloaded here or New Zealand High Commission website. The application forms must be completed in full with certified true copies of all requested documents. True copies can be certified by Ms Pelenaise Telefoni, the Government of Tonga Scholarships Officer, located in Pahu. Application packets (whether hand-delivered or by post) must be received by 4.00 PM, Friday, 30 May 2014, at:

Government of Tonga Scholarships Office, Pahu
Postal address: PO Box 61, Nuku’alofa

Late applications will NOT be considered. 

Envelopes containing submissions must be clearly marked “Scholarship Application”. Please be advised that only successful applicants will be notified.

Scholarship applications may be deemed ineligible if the application package is not completed correctly (Forms 1-5).

For further enquiries, please contact Ms Pelenaise Telefoni or Ms Senolita Fonokalafi at 22287 or by email at [email protected]

Form 1

Form 2

Form 3

Form 4

Form 5