Australian High Commission
Kingdom of Tonga

Direct Aid Program

Overview of the Direct Aid Program (DAP)

The Direct Aid Program is a competitive small grants program funded by the Australian Aid program which aims to support community projects that align with Australia's aid program priorities. The program is founded on a set of principles which:

  • advance developmental outcomes in countries eligible for Official Development Assistance (ODA) through projects primarily focused on practical and tangible results,

  • support Australia's wider foreign and trade policy interests and public diplomacy objectives, including promoting a distinctive and positive image of Australia, and

  • allow for a wide geographic reach reflecting that Australia has global interests and that DAP provides an effective way to build relationships and maintain Australia's profile.

Community groups and organisations can apply for grants of up to TOP 15,000 for projects that demonstrate a strong benefit to local communities and align with the priority areas -

  • people with disabilities

  • women and girls

  • income generation and livelihoods

  • human rights

  • environment and climate change

  • community health

  • arts and culture

  • youth and social inclusion


Click on the DAP Guidelines 2024-2025 for more information.

2023-24 DAP Rounds

The DAP will open for four rounds in the 2023-24 financial year –

Round 1:  23 July 2024 - 6 August 2024

Round 2: 28 October 2024 - 8 November 2024

Round 3: 17 - 28 Feb 2025 

Round 4: 22 April 2025 - 2 May 2025

If you wish to apply online, visit

For more information:



 Photo: Australia's Direct Aid Program co-funded for Houma Vava'u Ligh House for Strong Women project 2024